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🍁 Embrace a Fall of Learning and Achievement with Foley Prep! 🍁
Dive into an enriching fall experience at Foley Prep! Our specialized Fall Prep courses are meticulously crafted to propel you ahead. Whether you're preparing for pivotal high school or college entrance exams, writing your college application essay, or keen on enhancing your overall academic prowess, our team of Foley Prep Pros are there every step of the way for a transformative journey of intellectual growth and academic triumph. Join us to unfold a fall where learning meets success!

📝 Don’t Wait to Get Started on Fall Standardized Test Prep! 📝
With a record number of seats filling up early in advance of the August SAT date, we expect a large shift to the October and later exam dates for students who weren’t able to test over the summer. Foley Prep has multiple options to help your student on the path to success for the Fall SAT and ACT exams, but our schedule fills up fast! Don’t wait to get in touch to start discussing options for your student. Planning ahead with our diligent administration team ensures the best possible program and support for your student no matter which exam they plan to take.

🏫 It’s High School Entrance Exam Season! 🏫
For rising 8th graders looking to test into specific schools, now is the time to start planning and prepping! We at Foley Prep know how fierce the competition and selection criteria can be for select schools. We’ve carefully crafted the ideal curriculum for each of our robust High School Entrance Exam programs, which have helped students across the state get accepted at their dream High School. Whether your student is prepping for the Monmouth County Vocational School Exam (MCVSD), the High School Placement Test (HSPT), the SSAT or ISEE exam, the Delbarton Exam, or any of the other individualized county or school programs, Foley Prep has the experience and expertise to help your student take their first step toward success. View our full Fall Schedule for all of our SAT and ACT, High School Entrance Exam, and College Essay options [ here on our Fall Program Page! ]

To begin, we recommend:

  • Giving Us a Call | Sending Us an Email Our experienced and knowledgeable team is available to assist you seven days a week. Whether you have questions about our programs, need guidance on your child's plan, prefer help with registration, or require any other support - we are here to help.

  • Fill Out the Contact Form Simply fill in your details and we will get back to you within 24-48 hours.

  • Schedule a Consultation Prefer to set aside a time to speak? Select a date/time and we'll give you a call when it works for your schedule.

  • On the Foley Portal, create an Account This is our recommended option for those who wish to experience the full range of services that Foley Prep has to offer. Our user-friendly server portal allows you to manage your courses, track your progress, and communicate directly with your tutors. It's like having your own personal academic dashboard at your fingertips.

  • Check out our FAQ page!